What is Christian Emphasis?

At the YMCA of San Antonio, we are united in a sincere desire to build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all.  Our Christian Emphasis program is an intentional effort to provide opportunities for people to be challenged and encouraged in their faith journey. Whether it be a small group, bible study or prayer, we seek to provide a menu of opportunities to build spiritual health. The Y was founded upon Jesus Christ’s life and principles. Christ is inclusive…and so are we.


In 1841, George Williams arrives in London to work as a fabric manufacturer at the firm of Hitchcock and Rogers. Having recently begun to grow in his relationship with God, he was concerned about the spiritual condition of the 140 workers at his company. According to his journal entry, he “found no means of spiritual interest of any kind.” He then quickly thought to himself, “What can I do for these young men?” And he began to pray. In time, others joined Williams in prayer and many men’s lives were changed. In 1844,12 men met in a small room and an organization was formed that would impact the world: The YMCA. Today, the Y seeks to preserve, nurture and advance our rich Christian heritage.

JOHN 17:21

“That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” – John 17:21.

Did you know that his verse is displayed on the walls of many of our YMCA’s across the country?  In this verse, Jesus was praying for Christians to love, really love one another. They would love in such a way that others around them would take note, and believe, because of the power of love. This love starts with you!



The Meaning of the Emblem

The YMCA has a great history of outreach and ministry focus that is reflected in the components of the YMCA emblem. This emblem represents our history. Here are all of the component parts:

John 17:12


These 2 Greek letters are the first two letters of the word Christos – meaning Christ. In early Christianity, they not only represented the name of Christ, but they represented the Church as well.


One circle symbolizes the completeness and unity of the total of life and God’s created order. The other circle symbolizes a wedding ring, friendship and love without end, among individuals. Within these circles or rings, the rest of the emblem is placed.


One stands for the trinity within the Godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The other, the trinity within man, that of the spirit, the mind and the body.


It is opened to Jesus’ prayer for his disciples and followers in the book of John, chapter 17, verse 21. This scripture passage was set forth as the foundation for the YMCA.

Finally, the complete assembly of all these component parts gives the YMCA its remarkable emblem.


The "C" in the YMCA gives us clarity of purpose and a foundation for building healthy Spirit, Mind, and Body for all.

Sharing Judeo-Christian values and the YMCA Mission in all YMCA programs is our emphasis.

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."- Proverbs 22:6

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