› Birthday Parties

Take your parties to the next level!
Birthday Party Packages
› Family Events
The Y has always been a place where families come together to have a good time; participate in a variety of fun activities; share, communicate and strengthen their relationships; and meet other families. Family Events are usually scheduled for a weekend evening and can be either structured or free-flowing. Activities include mixers, games, arts and crafts, family fitness, games, volunteer opportunities and family discussions over refreshments. Example events include Trunk Or Treat, Breakfast with Santa, Healthy Kids' Day and more!
View Youth & Family Parent Handbook
For announcements on upcoming family events, follow us on Facebook OR sign up for our newsletter.
› Parents' Night Out
Time to unwind

Parents' Night Out is a break for both the child and parent. Enjoy an evening to yourself, while your child engages in a real-life social community. Enjoy some adult time and be assured your children will have a blast in a safe, caring, and fun environment. Kids enjoy four hours filled with age-appropriate activities.
Time: Drop off starts at 6pm (6pm -9pm)
*All children must be picked up by 9pm to avoid late fee charges
Age: 6 weeks-12 years old
Cost: Members: $20 per child/$10 per additional child
Non-Members: $30 per child/$15 per additional child
*Late fee: $10 charge for children picked up after 9pm
To register please visit the Welcome Center.
Questions? Please call 210-246-9622
View Youth & Family Parent Handbook
Stop by the Welcome Center to sign up! Registration ends the Wednesday before PNO.